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  • Weighted Assessments & Exams: A Parent's Journey to Break the Cycle of Traditional Education

Weighted Assessments & Exams: A Parent's Journey to Break the Cycle of Traditional Education

Struggling with school? You're not alone. Here's how I’m rewriting the script for my kids—and breaking free from old trauma along the way.

Hello MindFull Readers,

What was your experience with the education system you grew up with?

It’s been quite a journey the past few weeks, especially with our oldest daughter wrapping up her last exam for Weighted Assessment 2. It’s felt like an uphill battle, and here’s why:

1️⃣ The school didn’t build the foundational skills well enough, and that’s shown.

2️⃣ Finding extra time for studying was nearly impossible with the exams so tightly packed.

3️⃣ Our daughter’s talents lean more towards the artistic, not so much the academic.

4️⃣ And honestly, juggling work and family has been a real struggle for me.

After a much-needed peer coaching session and some self-reflection, I came to a few realisations:

I needed to compartmentalise my thoughts. I had to acknowledge what was in my control and what wasn’t. Points 1, 2, and 3? Not in my control, so I’m learning to let them go. I made a priority list based on these findings:

  1. Supporting my children.

  2. Saying ‘no’ to new clients when needed.

  3. Strengthening the trust in my relationship with my spouse.

Next, I plan to sit down with both my kids and my husband to discuss how we can better balance our work and life. Because, let’s be real, that perfect 50/50 work-life balance we hear about? It’s a little bit of a myth.

I was once that little girl struggling in school—not because I didn’t want to learn, but because I couldn’t grasp the material. It left a lasting mark on how I viewed education, and that’s not the legacy I want to pass on to my children.

I refuse to let old cycles of trauma repeat themselves. My kids need me present and supportive, especially during these pivotal moments. I want to show them that it’s not the results that matter most, but the journey they take to get there.

If you'd like to set up a free, 30-minute, no obligation, Healing & Growth Call with me to explore whether I am the right Reparenting Life Coach for you please book a slot at this link https://calendly.com/michelle-lim-tmp/healing-and-growth-call

With warmth and mindfulness,

Michelle Lim | Founder of The MindFull Parent | Reparenting Life Coach

Michelle Lim | Mother of 3 | Multi-Coach | Founder | Author | Preschool Educator | Babywearing Specialist | Breastfeeding Mentor

If you have enjoyed my work and wish to support what I do, please consider buying me a coffee!


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